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All the matruskas offered here are hand-painted
(as opposed to factory stenciled).
They are offered in the following sizes:
Small (3" or 4") 5 piece in various colors
Large (approx. 6") 5 piece in various colors
Large (approx 8") 7 piece in various colors
Also available from time to time will be some
exquisite 30 piece beauties.
Below are offered some representative samples.
Every doll set is different and it is only possible
to offer these by color only.
All are top quality.

red matrushkas
Red background

black matrushkas
Black background

blue matrushka
Blue background

Other colors are available upon request.
Also note the larger size dolls are more intricately done
and cost correspondingly more.
These photos are to serve as a taste and
not as an exact representation.

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