The Rediscovery of the "Missing Mass" in the Universe

Abstract: The following is a theorem concerning the whereabouts of the "missing mass" of the Universe.
Problem: It is now broadly accepted that the current incarnation of the Universe originated in an explosion of all matter from a central point and is commonly referred to as the "Big Bang". From this can be derived three possibilities about the long term status of the Universe.
First- the Universe will expand forever because there is insufficient mass in the Universe for mutual gravitation to gradually slow the expansion until it halts.
Second- there is exactly enough mass in the Universe for it to expand until it halts- at which time it will remain in equilibrium (unlikely).
Third- there is sufficient mass in the Universe for it to expand until it halts- after which it will begin to contract until the "Big Crunch" results. Since it is logically consistent that time has no beginning nor end and that matter is neither created nor destroyed; the third scenario is the most endearing, the second is the most unlikely, and the first the most unsettling (since it leaves everything unanswered). Unfortunately for logical consistency, only about 1% of the mass necessary to realize Scenario #3 has been accounted for.
Theorem: The missing mass of the Universe is accounted for by Einstein's famous equation E=mc².
Proof: Dividing how-many-ever electron-volts of energy liberated since the "Big Bang" ("E") by the square of the speed of light demonstrates that there is sufficient "mass" to slow the expansion of the Universe until it halts and reverses. (Numbers to follow.)
Next Question: Since this would demonstrate that the "Big Bang" and the "Big Crunch" have happened numerous times before (infinite?), what does this do to the assumption that the "Big Bang" originated from a singularity? Did all the inrushing matter of the preceding "Big Crunch" arrive before it left again as the "Big Bang"? By what mechanism did the final returning particle of a given "Big Crunch" signal that now all should leave as the next "Big Bang"? Isn't the toing-and-froing mass of the Universe in coming and going "Big Crunches" and "Big Bangs" analogous to the action of the water as one operates a plunger up and down in a toilet? (God doesn't play dice with the Universe- he's a plumber.)
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