*Octavia the Elder
born about 0064 BC
died about 0011 BC

*Caius Octavius IV Senator-Praetor & Governor of Macedonia
died in 0059 BC

*Atia Balbus
died in 0043 BC

Caius Augustus Octavius (Octavian) Caesar (Augustus Caesar of the Bible)

spouse (2nd):
*Marcus Antonius III (Mark Antony) Triumvirate
born 0083 BC
died 0030 BC Egypt

Antonia the Elder
*Annatonia Minor (Antonia the Younger)

biographical and/or anecdotal:
Octavia stands out as a virtuous woman in a time when every restraint was relaxed. No evil deeds about her were ever even hinted by anybody. After she was abandoned by *Mark Antony, Octavia bore her rejection silently, lived quietly in Antony's house at Rome, and brought up faithfully his children by Fulvia and the two daughters that she herself had given him. Later, Octavia, after the death of Antony and Cleopatra, reared the children of Antony and Cleopatra as if they were her own.

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