*Jeanne de Dammartin
born about 1216 Dammartin, France
died 15 March 1279 Abbeville, France

*Simon II Count of Dammartin
born about 1180 Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne, France
died 21 September 1239 Abbeville, Somme, France
buried Valoires, France

*Marie (Jeanne) Countess of Ponthieu & Montreuil
born 17 April 1199 Aumale, Normandie
died September 1250 Normandie
married about 1212 Aumale, Seine-Maritime, France

Philippa de Dammartin born about 1214 Aumale, Seine-Maritime, France
died 1271 Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands

*Fernando III "The Saint" King of Castile & Leon
born 5/19 August 1201 Leon, Spain
christened 19 August 1201
died 30 May 1252 Sevilla, Spain
buried Sevilla, Spain

*Leonor Princess of Castile & Leon
born 1244 Burgos, Spain died 29 November 1290 Herdeby, Lincolnshire, England
buried 16 December 1290 Westminster Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex, England
Juan SeƤnor De Marchena born about 1246 Burgos, Spain
Luis Prince of Castile & Leon born about 1242 Burgos, Spain died after 1269
Fernando Prince of Castile & Leon born after 1239 Burgos, Spain died before 1269 France

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