*Camora, Ela de
*Cantilupe, Joane de born about 1240 died before June
*Capet, Isabel born 1285 died 22 August 1358
*Castile, Sancha
"La Infanta" Alphonsez Princess of born about 1138 died 5 August 1177
Margaret born 1126
*Champagne et Brie, Thibault V(?) (III) Comte de born
1167 died 24 May 1201
*Charlton, Mary born about
*Charlton, Roger born about 1330
Agnes de born about 1091 Tonbridge, Kent, England
*Clare, Baldwin FitzGilbert
de born about 1088/92 died 1171
*Clare, Elizabeth de born 16
September 1295 died 4 November 1360
*Clare, Maud Fitzwalter de born 1161
died 1196
*Clare, Robert (FitzRichard) de born 1064 died 1136
Rohese de born 1140
*Clare Lord of Dunmow, Walter FitzRobert de born
1115 died 1196
*Clarell, Galfrid
*Clarell of Tickhill, Galfrid died
after 1205
*Clarell, Johanna
*Clarell of Tickhill, John
*Clarell, Margaret born about 1389 died after 1441
*Clarell of Tickhill,
*Clarell, Thomas born about 1296 died before1364
of Aldwarke, Thomas born about 1357 died 1 May 1442
*Clarell of Tickhill,
*Clarell, William
*Clarell, William died 1332
*Clarell of
Aldwarke, William born about 1326
Catherine born 17 March 1602/03 died 17 September 1633
Jean born 1575 died January 1680?
Mathiew born January <1550> died about 1600
*Clifford, Hugh de
born about 1195 died 1254
*Clifford, Isabella de born about 1261 died
after 1319
*Clifford, Sir John de born 1233 died 1292
*Clifford Lord
FramptonSevern, Richard de born about 1151 died 1213
Jane born about 1405
*Clopton, John born
about 1350
*Clopton, William born about 1320
William born about 1380 died 7 September 1419
(Cool or Kool), Aaron (Arent) Barents born 10 October 1655
Aaron born about 1688
*Cole, Aaron born
about 1756
*Cole, Isaac born about 1720
Sarah died 6 May 1850
*Conte, Anthoine le
born 1545 died 4 January 1622/23
*Conte (Comte?), Jean
le born about 1629
*Conte, Sara le born
about 1580 died 30 September 1605
*Conteville, Odo de born about 1036
Elizabeth born about 1375 died about 1403
Fulk born about 1336 died 4 August 1382
Divertje born 1606 died 1681
Pieter born 1580
*Courtenay, Eleanor de born about 1261
Richilde de born 1053
*Creully and of Thorigny, Hamon aux Dents "Dentatus"
Lord of died about 1045
*Crevequer, Daniel de
*Crevequer, Eleanor de
died 1301
*Crevequer, Elias de died after 1145
*Crevequer, Emma
de died 1207
*Crevequer, Hamo de died 1301
*Crevequer, Robert
*Criol, Bertram de died 1191
*Criol, Bertram de born about 1247
died 1295
*Criol, Cecilia de
*Criol, Joan de born about 1271
John de died after 1194
*Criol, Nicholas de born about 1224? England
died before 10 February 1271/72