Protoceratops andrewsi

protoceratops skeleton
Protoceratops andrewsi -Granger et Gregory, 1923- skeleton of mature specimen
Archosauria: Ornithischia: Ceratopsia: Protoceratopsidae
Locality: Tugrikin Us, Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia
Age: Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75 million years ago
nest of protoceratops eggs
Nest of protoceratops eggs
Archosauria: Ornithischia: Ceratopsia: Protoceratopsidae
Locality: Bain Dzak, Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia
Age: Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75 million years ago
protoceratops hatchling
Protoceratops andrewsi -Granger et Gregory, 1923- skeleton of immature specimen
Archosauria: Ornithischia: Ceratopsia: Protoceratopsidae
Locality: Tugrikin Us, Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia
Age: Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75 million years ago

Protoceratops andrewsi is one of the best known dinosaurs.
Hundreds of skeletons have been collected in Mongolia.
Sometimes these skeletons make up more than 80% of all dinosaurs from a site.
All stages of growth are present
from unhatched eggs containing embryos to hatchlings to juveniles to
adults. Because so many stages of growth of this dinosaur are known,
scientists have been able to understand how the skeleton changed throughout the
life of the individual. This is very unusual to know about fossil animals.
The young of many living land vertebrates have a larger head relative to the
body than is seen in adults. Comparison between the two skeletons of
Protoceratops andrewsi, the hatchling and the adult, shows this same pattern.
Protoceratops seems to have lived in large herds, possibly forming nesting
colonies along the shores of ancient lakes and streams that lay in an otherwise arid
landscape. The disaters which can occur in such an environment, such as drought
or flash flooding combined with the natural tendency of these dinosaurs to
gather, probably led to the unusual abundance of them in the fossil record.
Protoceratops andrewsi is a neoceratopsian-a group of dinosaurs which
typically have horns. There were none on this species- only low bony knobs of bone on
the skull. The descendants of Protoceratops andrewsi probably emigrated from Asia to
North America where they eventually led to such well-known dinosaurs as
Triceratops. The expansion of bone at the back of the
skull, or the 'frill' as it is generally known, acted to reorient the muscles that
moved the lower jaw so they functioned more efficiently. The frill may also have played a
role similar to horns in deer and elk where they act to establish social dominance between
individuals of a group and to help animals within a species recognize another of their
species especially during breeding times. The eggs and skeleton of Protoceratops
andrewsi illustrate the various stages of life that these animals went through.
As with many vertebrates as they grow, the proportions of the skeleton
of the juvenile are different from those of the adult.
Both the protoceratopsids and ceratopsids were robust quadrupeds.
The protoceratopsids were small- or medium-sized forms, whereas the largest ceratopsids
reached up to 8 meters in length and looked somewhat similar to modern rhinoceri.
The protoceratopsids are known from Central Asia and West of North America.
This group gave rise to ceratopsids that were more evolutionarily advanced and known
only from the West of North America.
protoceratops reconstruction
One of the main difference between protoceratopsids and ceratopsids is their skull structure. In both these groups the rear part of the skull roof forms a large bony "frill", while the ceratopsians also possessed variously developed horns on the nasal bones and above the orbits as well as along the edge of the frill.
Protoceratops skull
Protoceratops andrewsi -Granger et Gregory, 1923- skull
Archosauria: Ornithischia: Ceratopsia: Protoceratopsidae
Locality: Tugrikin Us, Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia
Age: Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75 million years ago
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protoceratops coin and button
This is a $1 dollar coin issued by the government of Liberia.
It is larger than a silver dollar.

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